Processing EDI Invoices


The EDI Invoicing screens allows for the processing of invoice data through the EDI system. Relevent shipment information and the accompanying charge data is sent through the Crown EDI System. Note: As with all EDI services, there is a points charge for processing invoice information through EDI.

Accessing The Screen:

  • Select Process -> EDI Services -> EDI Invoicing

EDI Invoicing Basics:

In order to process invoice data through EDI, the invoicing service must be enabled and assigned to a customer. Click here for more information. Note: Invoices are added to EDI when they are exported.

Processing An Invoice Through EDI:

  1. Select the Invoicing Service.
  2. Set relevant search filters.
  3. Click the SHOW INVOICES button.
  4. Select the invoices to process.
  5. Click the SEND INVOICES button.

View EDI History:
A link to view the EDI History of the shipment is available on the invoice line. It displays a detailed list of all the edi that was sent for that invoice. This information is very useful when communicating with a forwarder that has not received an invoice that was sent.